Seat Belts On? Let’s GO!

I’ve been wanting to get this blog started for so long, but now that Mark has it set up – I’m blank.  So, to quote Lewis Carroll “Begin at the beginning,” the King said, gravely, ” and go on till you come to the end:  then stop.”  I shall do just that.


This blog is going to be about Mark & I, our cats, downsizing from a 1600 square foot home to a TINY HOUSE!, selling our house, either building the Tiny House, or partially building it, travelling, getting my Etsy store up and running, Marks photography, food, and all manner of things in between.

It’s exciting, it’s overwhelming, it’s a lot of change and new beginnings.  And I am thrilled at the idea of taking you all along for the ride.

Rather than making New Years Resolutions – several of my favourite authors choose a word for that coming year.  I finally decided to do that this year – and the word I chose was – JUMP.

Are you ready?  Are we ready?  And……


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26 thoughts on “Seat Belts On? Let’s GO!

  1. Looking forward to reading more!


  2. Kris

    Can’t wait. I know it will be exciting.


  3. Martha S Hutchinson

    Great start! Anxious to read more!


  4. Lee Van Camp

    Good luck in your new venture—I will be honored to share in its development.


  5. Gloria Bogardus

    What an exciting journey this will be! Looking forward to more entries!


  6. Cyndi

    Look forward to hearing more!


  7. Pat DeWald

    I want to see how you get all your stuff into a tiny house. I will need pictures, of course.


  8. Alice

    I am sooooo looking forward to this – you are one of my favourite writers – ever!


  9. Lynn Tharp

    Sounds like a very exciting journey. I am looking forward to your posts.


  10. Good luck!


  11. frank monetti

    I don’t have to tell you how much I love what you are doing.


  12. Joanne Frank

    Your lives are such an exciting adventure…it will be fun to take the journey with you.


  13. Katherine

    Jump, indeed! Sounds like a wonderful adventure, and I am anxious for the next chapter.


  14. Jeri Connell

    The best adventures are the ones that are also a little bit scary! Look forward to all the updates – as only you could tell them!


  15. Joanne Abrahamian

    It will be fun to follow your journey as I embark on my own.


  16. Jay C. Langdon

    I always enjoy reading your stories. I feel like I have another sister in the journey. God bless!


  17. Linda Blauch

    I wish you and Mark all the best. You are certainly an inspiration to many. Safe travels, looking forward to reading.


  18. Ellen

    You have been on my mind a lot lately and lo and behold, here you are! As I follow your blog, I’ll travel with you in spirit!


  19. Sandra from NJ

    Great to hear from you again. Best wishes with all your upcoming changes!


  20. Joyce

    Have a great adventure. I will be thinking of you both.


  21. Andrea & Mike

    The famous first word and first step – always the biggest hurdles. I have no doubt your blog will be entertaining, fascinating and a great read and visuals. Life changes are terrifying as well, so we’re sending you both tons of good thoughts and support. It is a jump!


  22. Cathie Myers

    As Helen Keller said, “Life is either a daring adventure, or nothing at all”. Here’s to your adventure and all of us living vicariously through it!


  23. Shelli Bzdewka

    Jenn and Mark – What is the latest in your adventures? We saw you off and wished you well this year in Kanab.. I am excited to hear how your journey is progressing. We are so proud of you to make sacrifices to follow your mission. Shelli


  24. Looking forward to more posts when you’re on the road. It seems like you just got to PDX! I’ve mostly been chasing my tail since you’ve been here. I am hoping this winter we can spend some time together.


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