Yes, We’re Living In It!


Finally. Mark & I, along with Ava, CathyCat & Elizabeth, are living in The Nomadic Lemming aka the THOW. We’re still in the process of fitting things in, or as I so eloquently put it, trying to fit 50 pounds of shit in a one pound bag. I promise (I know, I keep promising) there will be ZILLIONS of photos, but until the art is up and the stuff that is going to be traveling with us has found a home, no. It tends to look like a garage sale that vomited upon itself right now.

But. It’s also awesome.  It’s OUR HOME!

Mark has been FABULOUS about building and installing shelves, making a screen door, figuring out how the various systems work, etc. I’ve been pretty darn good about finding homes for things. Of course, sometimes things find a home, then they get uprooted, or evicted, and need to find a new home.

It’s been grand to have my own kitchen again, and our own bed. The cats LOVE it. Within 5 minutes of having brought them over Ava was up the stairs and lounging on our bed.  CathyCat & Elizabeth soon followed.

We’re currently parked on our friends property in Fall City, WA, and plan to stay here until early spring, when we’ll set out on the road. This way we’re getting lots of time to settle into the house, and hopefully work out any kinks.

I sincerely hope that 2018 brings us all health, peace, and love.

Remember – Unfuck the World

Categories: Uncategorized | 4 Comments

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4 thoughts on “Yes, We’re Living In It!

  1. I cannot WAIT to hear about the adventures! And, of course, see the pics. My daughter aspires to one day live in a THOW, so I’m sure she’ll be following you as well. 🙂


  2. Mike and Chris Fairman

    This is so exciting. Can hardly wait to see photos. A bit jealous of you, I am! What a wonderful way to start the new year.

    We will sincerely try to un-fuck the world. Orangeturd resigning would be a YUGE help.



  3. Dana

    This is so EXCITING! It’s truly a work of art and I love that the kitties made themselves at home right away! THAT’S when you know your new place is a Home!!! Can’t wait to see it in real life!


  4. Michelle Bzdewka

    How is the tiny house working out? We haven’t heard much about it, or seen photos.


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